Stadium & Large Spaces

S1 Audio

FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games: challenges that our teams have successfully met

The sound installation for a location that can accommodate thousands of people, open or with a ceiling height of several tens of metres like stadiums or train stations, or in extreme conditions such as a historical site or a mountain at high altitude presents major technical challenges and constraints specific to each environment.

Intelligibility and sonic accuracy must be absolutely present. It is necessary to ensure a harmonious sound rendering for listeners and to preserve euphony in these often noisy spaces, taking into account interferences, obstacles, acoustic signatures and different listening points.

It is also key that voices remain intelligible without excessive volume throughout the site. During the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games, Funktion-One equipment was used for the sound system of a mountain with a single point source. This installation enabled us to avoid bulky cables, electrical power supply problems, extra financial and human resources, particularly in terms of safety and security.

The sound system we selected provided a clear and diffraction-free sound over several square kilometres, despite the constraints related to the unevenness of the crowd and the ambient noise generated by the large number of spectators. This installation even won the award for the best permanent sound installation of the year (Pro Sound Awards).

Designed for outdoor use, our products offer all the safety guarantees to receive the public. They are resistant to temperature variations, sunlight, water and fire.

Solution One for Stadiums and Large Spaces

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