Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

S1 Audio

A unique sound signature for each of the establishment you work with

In a hotel, a restaurant, or a bar, image is essential. Whether it is prestigious or convivial, it is about an experience that stimulates all of our senses: visually through the décor, olfactorily and gustatorily for the food and drinks, and tactilely through the accessories and equipment.

The fifth and final sense in order for the experience to be fully immersive and complete is the sound. The sound must be balanced and present without being intrusive, accompanying the moment shared at the bar, the meal enjoyed with loved ones or friends, and the discovery of the spaces.

We offer solutions designed for a variety of uses of a space, and that respect its identity and personality. Even at low levels, the systems we recommend offer great listening comfort, an engaging experience that allows you to connect with the music that is being played. It should be like someone at the next table that you are happy to meet but that does not impose or invite himself into your home without being invited!

The transparency of our sound systems allows you to calibrate your atmospheres: cosy, convivial, danceable, or more energising according to your wishes while maintaining ease of use and permanent control over the different listening points in a centralised manner.

Of course, we are also sensitive to design aspects. Solution One offers colours that match your colours based on their RAL codes. We take into account the available volumes, for example with subwoofers that can be slid under benches to blend in discreetly.

We make it a point of honour to preserve the visual harmony of your establishment, to respect and enhance its spirit and image.

Solution One for Hotels, Bars, and Restaurants

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