Our Brand Partners

S1 Audio

Exclusive distributor-reseller of Funktion-One, Full Fat Audio, Linea Research, and RC Audio

Solution One collaborates with the most cutting-edge and prestigious brands in technological research, recognised in the entertainment and live performance industry, including: Funktion One, Full Fat Audio, Linea Research, and RC Audio.

We did not choose to partner with and distribute Funktion One, Full Fat Audio, Linea Research and RC Audio by chance. These companies design and manufacture their products in Great Britain, with an unwavering commitment to both quality and innovation in order to offer sound rendition of unmatched precision.

We have maintained close relationships with these teams, which have been awarded numerous awards, since the 1990s. These links allow us to have access to the best sound equipment and to provide our customers with integrated solutions that fully meet their expectations.


The relationship between Funktion One and our associates began in 1993, when their main concern was to offer the best possible audio experience at the live and large-scale events they organised. At the time, the discovery of Funktion One systems had absolutely thrilled them. No other brand offered such sound precision, placed emotion at the heart of the rendition, allowed for such intuitiveness and modularity. Today, Funktion One remains at the forefront of technology and keeps its love of sound intact, but with an impact.


As for Full Fat Audio? One of our associates was their second customer! At the time, most manufacturers were unable to offer sufficiently powerful amplification. The first generations of class D amplifiers encountered reliability problems and posed risks to loudspeaker components. This technology had therefore been abandoned. However, Full Fat Audio was able to create new class D power amplifiers in 2003 that were perfectly reliable, safe for transducers, and especially compression chambers. This technology has become the industry standard. FFA was the forerunner of it.


Working with Linea Research means choosing to work with specialists who design their own products, use them themselves, and perfectly understand professional audio and its requirements, in terms of performance and quality. This passion and the company’s commitment to high-end audio engineering make it a preferred supplier and partner for Solution One.


RC Audio

Finally, we recently added RC Audio to our partner brands for a good reason: it is the pioneer company of the unique Leveliza system, which is a game-changer in terms of sound system level control worldwide.

Choosing to distribute these products from prestigious brands, designed and manufactured in the United Kingdom by visionary companies, is therefore a no-brainer for us. Why offer anything but the best?

Discover the products of these innovative, quality brands, custodians of British know-how that is a benchmark in the field of audio. Don’t hesitate to contact us for personalised advice, which will take into account the intended use, the type of place or space, your budget, and your ambitions.

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